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2006 B
click on board members' names to contact them via email

Wayne French, President & Newsletter Committee

Wayne is serving his second term as IBWALA in 2006. He is a past president of the Organization of Black Screenwriters.

Trent Jackson, Vice President & Membership Committee
Trent joins IBWALA as a member and board member this year. He is a published writer and recently released "At this Moment." His works can be viewed on his Web site: www.writingstar.com.


Zerline Hughes Jennings, Communications Chair
Zerline is a journalist and media specialist consultant for her enterprise, Press Prep. She has been a member of IBWALA for 25 years, having begun as a "young" Black Writer & Artist.
Dr. Randy Ross, Past President, Treasurer and Budget Chair
Randy has been a member of IBWALA for more than 10 years and served as president and editor of IBWALA's published anthology: "Griots Beneath the Baobob: Tales from L.A."
Erin Aubry Kaplan, Publishing Committee & Literary Salon Leader
Erin, an L.A. Times columnist, has been instrumental in leading IBWALA's popular Sunday Literary Salon Discussions.
C. Jerome Woods, Activities and Fundraising Committee
Jerome, a member for 15 years, is a visual, performing artist, writer and poet. A teacher within the LAUSD, he has dedicated his time to editing IBWALA's third anthology, "River Crossings: Voices of the Diaspora."
Linda A. Hughes, Editor, Black Expressions & Membership Chair
Linda, a member since 1978, has served IBWALA as president, vice president, parliamentarian and executive director over the years. A mediator and teacher, Linda is the editor of IBWALA's quarterly newsletter, Black Expressions.
Francesca Zeal Harris
Known as Zeal, this visual artist is currently a graduate student at the prestigious Otis School of Art & Design in Los Angeles. Zeal, who's art and endeavors can be found at www.zealsart.com, joined IBWALA this year.
Excell Hunter
Excell has been a member of IBWALA for about three years serving on the board for two of those years. A retired school teacher, poet and cartoonist, Excell won IBWALA's Short Story competition in 2003.
Donald Bakeer past President, Communications Committee
Donald served as President in the 1980s and published "Crips" which was turned into the acclaimed Warner Bros. screenplay "South Central." He recently published a new book and can be found at DonaldBakeer.com.
Marcus Love
Marcus Love, a member for 10 years, is a published author, having wrote Chameleon Lover and When Love Calls.
Tricia Cochee, Membership Committee
Tricia has been a member of IBWALA for several years and has been instrumental in planning events and establishing partnerships with community organizations.

Carol Crutchfield, Emeritus

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Last modified: 03/31/05
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