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Two Saturday three-hour intensive workshops


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From Memory to Memoir   

Hazel Clayton Harrison


            A memoir writer must travel to the center of her universe and explore the experiences that molded and shaped her.  In a sense, to write memoir is to travel through time and space and bring key elements of the past into the present and future.

            This workshop takes you on a journey through the craft of memoir writing.  Along the way you will travel through some of the memoirs written by successful authors such as Virginia Wolfe, Maya Angelou, James McBride, and Louis Gates, Jr.  Your final destination will be the door of your own memory where you examine the fabric of your own life and begin to weave a tapestry that is memoir.
            This three-hour workshop will be led by Hazel Clayton Harrison, assisted by Mary E. Huddleston. 9:30 am - 12:30 pm in the Ahmanson Senior Center. 

Harrison’s poetry and fiction have been an inspiration to people all over the globe. She is the author of two books: “Winter in L.A.”, a collection of prose and poetry and “The Story of Christmas Tree Lane”, a children’s book that tells the history of a neighborhood in Altadena, California. Her writings have been published in Essence, American Visions, River Crossings, A Rock Against the Wind, Grandfathers, Los Angeles Times, the Pasadena Star News and other publications.
She received her Bachelor of Science and Master of Education degrees from Kent State University in Ohio. After teaching and working as a technical writer, editor, and manager for Fortune 500 companies for over ten years, Hazel started her own consulting firm in 1984. Since then she has provided training, editing, and writing services to major companies in the Los Angeles area.
            Hazel joined IBWALA in 1983 and served as president for two consecutive terms. She has been the featured speaker for many educational, social and religious organizations internationally. She has performed readings at California State University Los Angeles, Stevenson Junior High School, Steubenville Women’s Center, Vroman’s Books, Midnight Special Bookstore and other venues. She has also made appearances on radio and television. In 1993, Hazel traveled to Zimbabwe in Southern Africa as a guest poet and lecturer at Gweru Teacher’s College.


Mary Huddleston is author of Memories of Days Gone By:  An Oral History of My Elders (Morris Publishing, 1997). 


Fiction / Speculative Fiction

Writing the Other:
Bridging Cultural Differences for
Successful Fiction 
Nisi Shawl
            Sign up for this i.ntensive, three-hour fiction-writing workshop that teaches participants how to write convincingly about diverse races, religions, gender orientations, cultures, and backgrounds  "Writing the Other" incorporates lectures, discussions, and writing exercises built around ideas about race, sexual orientation, age, ability, religion, and sex. The seminar will provide a safe space for participants to explore this controversial territory.  This workshop will be led Led by Nisi Shawl & Victoria Garcia.  1 pm - 4 pm

The fee for each of these hands-on actual writing sessions is $75 for members, $95 others.
Partial scholarships available based on need.



 We regret to inform you that the Tavis Smiley session has been cancelled.  Nevertheless, the Smiley Group continues to be a co-sponsor and Ms. Denise Pines of the Smiley Group will participate as a panelist in the Publishers' Roundtable Session, 9:30 am - 11:00 am.  We apologize for any inconvenience.


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