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Q: Why "international" and "black" writers & artists?

A: We often refer to ourselves as the diaspora (lower case), or the spread of a people across and around the globe. While we do have a lot in common, there is no SINGLE "black experience" even among African Americans.

Our membership and chapters have been national and international in scope--African countries, Canada, Puerto Rico, etc.

Another raison d'etre, especially in the early years, is the unique problems often encountered by writers and artists whose stories and products focus on black subject matters or are thought to be just for black audiences or consumers--market discrimination. We are a ready resource for those who claim they cannot find talented black "writers," for example.

Q: Why writers AND artists?

A: Originally, as collaborators on projects such as children's books illustrations or book covers, or culturally based performance and spoken word showcases presented to the public.

Today many artists use the written word right on their canvases or sculptures. Writers sometimes illustrate or embellish their compositions with color, graphics or drawings. Cartoonists, for example, are both writers and artists.

And many people forget, writing IS one of the seven arts!

As a nonprofit, what does IBWALA offer the community at large?

Education and enlightenment through our workshops, programs, publications or books, and images--about the international black experience.
Mentoring, literacy and literary training and exposure, especially for youth and especially for African American youth, is a benefit for all the community.

Q: Is membership open only to persons of color? Only to writers and artists? 

A: No. Readers, arts enthusiasts, literacy and youth supporters, and those who value, appreciate or want to learn more about us, our history and our mission are encouraged and welcomed as members, volunteers and/or contributors.

Our programs and finished products and created for and directed to an audience which includes the end-consumer. Their feedback and appreciation is essential to our existence.
