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Founded in Los Angeles in 1974 by Mrs. Edna Crutchfield the International Black Writers & Artists Los Angeles is a 501 (c) 3 grassroots, nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting, motivating, educating and inspiring artists, writers and performers.

The likes of Terry McMillan, Eric Jerome Dickey, the late Octavia Butler and many more have been influenced by and have influenced others within the organization.

We provide workshops and conferences designed to improve skills, knowledge, and career opportunities for artists of all media.  Our organization has also published books including poetry anthologies, "76th & San Pedro" (1976), River Crossings (1988) and "Griots Beneath the Baobob" (2002). This year, 2007, IBWALA released its "N-Word" CD.

IBWALA is devoted to fulfilling the need for information, resources and services locally and abroad to those who value the unique contributions of writers and artists among the diaspora. Our vision is to expose and recognize writers and artists of color to ensure we are sought as a viable pool of talent -- nationally and internationally.

IBWALA has a consistent source of information and resources as well as providing cultural outlets, scholarships, publishing opportunities and more. We also publish our bi-monthly newsletter, Black Expressions.

IBWALA is a membership organization currently run by a working board of directors!
