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Download a detailed registration application by clicking here



Time Cost
General Admission Only -- space is limited & not guaranteed in special sessions. This selection entitles individuals to patronize free Saturday events,
including Health and Wellness Pavilion, vendors, and purchase workshop and other event admission, if space remains.                 
9:00 am  N/C
From Memory to Memoir three-hour intensive workshop, Saturday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm $75 members, $95 others
Publishing Roundtable, Saturday                                                                                                              9:30 am   $30
Journalism, Nonfiction & Crossover, Saturday             11:00 am $30
Box Lunch & Beverage, Saturday               12:30 pm $7
Writing the Other: Bridging Cultural Differences for Successful Fiction  three-hour intensive workshop, Saturday 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm $75 members, $95 others

Other Voice: Story/Screenwriting, Saturday

1:30 pm $30
Success Stories: Fiction & Career, Saturday                                                                                                                                3:00 pm $30
I will attend the Spoken Word Slam, Friday 6:00 pm $5
I will ENTER the Spoken Word Slam, Friday (Click here for guidelines and to enter)   $10
I will attend the Awards Dinner Dance, Saturday

                    I require a vegetarian plate, please
I am allergic to the following foods: ________________

7:30 pm $45

My minor (12-17) child will attend the Youth Poetry workshop with "Poetri," Saturday



12:00 pm




Total Enclosed


*N/C means no cost

If applicable, enter your postcard discount code here and deduct $5 off your event total.


Address: _________________________________________________________________________

Telephone: ________________________________________________________________________

Email address:  ________________________ URL, if applicable: _______________________________

Are you a(n):

Reader     Writer     Community Worker     Educator     Artist      Other

Are you a student or senior (10 percent discount with ID)

Yes    No

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Last modified: 03/31/05
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